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The name SERO AG stems from the one thing we’ve in mind at SSGRP: to provide the most basic essential human needs- one of them being safe access to abundant and rich food.  “Sero” means to sew in latin.  We’re  growing and selling online directly to consumers and to local retailers and restaurants with plans on growing globally to provide these resources where they’re needed most.  


Since the world is becoming increasingly urbanized, we were inspired to bring food production directly to the people, ensuring premium quality and the goal of reduced environmental impact through our growing methods.   Our mission is to address our global food crisis by delivering local flavorful, safe, healthy produce in a sustainable and socially responsible way, while setting new standards for totally controlled agriculture in California.


 SERO AG maintains and produce plant production facilities across Southern California.  Our first sites of operation are currently being constructed in Ontario CA and Downtown Los Angeles.  Our system produces high yields while keeping labor costs down.  We’re pioneering new possibilities for improving the food supply chain with systems that are already in use to create opportunities locally to secure our food supply.